Friday, December 2, 2011


            I don’t think I have ever had a greater experience in my life than being in the great city of Barcelona.  It exceeded my expectations and I created the best memories as well as friends in my entire life.  Firstly, I had never been to Europe before and I had no idea what to expect.  Upon arriving here I immediately was shoved out of my comfort zone and forced to cope with a strange new place where I knew no one and couldn’t tell you where North or South was.  But after 4 months of living here I honestly think I could really inform someone about the city of Barcelona.  One thing that I was appreciative of was that I took some Spanish language classes in high school.  These definitely helped me to immerse myself in Spain and learn the ins and outs of the city.  If I had no previous knowledge of Spanish I think I would have been so lost and it would have definitely changed my experience here.  But I didn’t mind being out of my comfort zone, honestly I wanted to be challenged and uncomfortable because ultimately that’s what builds character and lets you grow as a person.  I could have easily been a roommate with a buddy I know from school who was here as well, but I didn’t do it and I am grateful because I have made some great friends with the kids I lived with while I was here. 
            I fell in love with Barcelona very quickly.  It is my favorite city in the world and sometimes I wish I didn’t have to leave.  Although many other students travelled around Europe, which I did as well, I spent most of my time getting to know the city.  I have seen all the sights, tasted the food, and interacted with the people.  I feel that Barcelona is a part of me that will forever have an impact on who I am and the way I view the world.  Living in Spain has definitely opened my eyes regarding different cultures, ethnicities, and people in general.
            One of the best memories I will take away once I am back in the United States was my time spent at Barca games.  I am a huge football fan and will be for my life.  I have played since I was only 4 years old and wish I could continue to do it until the day I die.  When I first experienced Camp Nou I was astonished.  The sheer size will make anyone’s jaw drop, and then add 100,000 people and the experience grows exponentially better.  I remember the first game I saw was Barca against AC Milan for the first leg of the 2011-2012 UEFA Champions League.  I had great seats and was very close to field.  I could even see the player’s faces.  The greatest moment of that game was when David Villa scored on a free kick from right outside the 18-yard box.  My friend and I were right by the goal when he scored and everyone went insane, I remember it being so loud.  I liked Barca as a team before I came here, but now they are a part of me.  They are MY team.
            In all honesty there is not enough room for me to fit all the great experiences I had while I was in Barcelona.  Leaving this city is going to be bittersweet because I am in love with the city, but I also miss my friends, family, dog, and juicy steaks.  When I arrived in Barcelona I did not really notice a culture shock but I feel that I will have one when I return to the States.  Things will be weird for a while but I’ll roll with the punches.  I am so grateful for this opportunity to live and study in Barcelona; it has been the best time of my life.

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