Friday, December 2, 2011

Correfoc (Cultural Site 3)

During the month of September Barcelona houses its yearly traditional festival called La Merce.  The festival celebrates the patron saint of Barcelona and is filled with many musical performances and traditional spectacles such as the Gigantes and Castellers.  One of the most exciting events of La Merce is the Correfoc which usually concludes the festival.  In English Correfoc translates to “fire run,” and the event is embodied by a plethora of fireworks.  During the correfoc individuals will dress as devils and light fireworks while music is orchestrating the run.  Not only do the devils shoot fireworks but there are also large floats designed as dragons and monsters that shoot fireworks from their mouths.  It is customary for people to dress accordingly and cover up their bodies and then run through the Correfoc making sure not get burned by the sparks.  The entrance of the Correfoc is designed to look like the gates of Hell and prior to the beginning of the run the gates of Hell shoot off many fireworks signaling the beginning of the run.

Personally I participated in the Correfoc and I thought it was an amazing experience.  I have never experienced anything like it before and that is why I was so amazed.  I dressed accordingly but still got a little burned from the fireworks due to the fact that there were so many.  It was almost impossible to not get it.  I think that something like the Correfoc would not happen in the United States solely due to the safety factor.  In the US we are so obsessed with safety that it would get in the way and hinder an American Correfoc from happening.  The Spaniards seemed to enjoy the thrill of being so close to the fire.

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